Erin Pimm Photography

Erin Pimm Photography
Glam the Dress

Wednesday 13 June 2012

To Market or NOT to Market...that is ONE of the questions this week...

Perhaps you have heard of this most recent self marketing guru named Ramit Sethi ( If you havent - you SHOULD - IMMEDIATELY!

Many years ago I started down the self help path (aka spiritual path/self awareness/self improvement - whatever you choose to call it). Have studied a wee bit here and there and have integrated many bits n bobs of technology, advise, and of course a mainly autodidactic method of study.
So its when i came across this guy that I started to get SERIOUSLY jazzed again about my self learning path.
Many people need to have it all spelled out in front of them. They need someone to hold thier hands all the way. And in sorts of ways Ramit does that for you. But you have to reaaaaallllly want it. I mean really. Both on the commitment side to money, time, and personal achievement. In other words. You gotta want to be a winner. The last program on offer from him - Dreamjob - costs $4000. A miniscule investment in the long run for you financial and spiritual satisfaction.

I missed out on it. But. Its not too late. I can do what I can figure out and learn  - I love workshops, they are a great way to update your knowledge (AIPP does great continuing education), just did a great marketing course and of course you can always get your RSS feeds up to date with the most current blogs and websites offering free marketing information.

What is my point you might ask?

It's not going to come to you while you are sitting on your arse complaining. You HAVE to be aggressive and go out and SELL yourself. Work all your networks and when they are exhausted, go network some more. Send out letters,  follow up calls. Plan on spending several hours every week blogging, updating your Google+ and facebook page with new images. Intertia will carry you the rest of the way. If for no other reason, it gives you a day at home in bed with your pajama on ALL day.

Freebies - there are TONS of them out there for information and marketing purposes...perhaps that should be my next post...phew.

Oh...and dont be afraid to ask for what you want. A little effort goes a loooong way in this business.

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