Erin Pimm Photography

Erin Pimm Photography
Glam the Dress

Monday 19 March 2012

Egypt with Spirit Quest Part I

This marks my journey. First journey to a third world country. I mean, I've traveled in quiet a few anglacised countries, in the Caribbean, been to Hawaii, and furthest afield was Costa Rica, but this is the first REAL adventure.
Ive been contemplating Egypt for a few years now, and a good friend of mine and I had been thinking about the spring of 2012 to go together. Our first jaunt of traveling other than to Burning Man and some other fun fun FUN weekends together. I guess it wasn't meant to be because, after a date with my husband ( we have to plan these things months in advance) and attending the King Tut show in Melbourne, the pressure was on to go. You just get that BUG in your ear and it doesn't stop until you are on the plane to Qatar (ugliest airport ever). So my husband has passed on an email some friends had passed on about a guided trip to Egypt with some Modern Mystery School guides Theresa Bullard and quite a few MMS people going. well...after reviewing the itinerary I was sold. It was quick. 2 months from start to finish really. Jump in up to your neck if you dare.
I had never been on a group tour, nor had I traveled so far to such a different country, lifestyle, smells and know, if you have done any traveling what I'm talking about. Its like a full on assault after 36 hours of traveling.
The most notable point of interest on the 'getting there' was the new fabulously empty planes between Melbourne to Qatar to Cairo. virtually empty. And even if it weren't, I would have loved the long haul due to the newly 5 star ranked airline. Too bad the Qatar airport  was a major disappointment in comparison to their airlines. And 10 hours is ALOT to waste if you cant find power outlets to plug into, that aren't being fought over by long passerbys as well.
Anywho...onto Cairo.
I traveled with Spirit Quest travel based of LA headed by the illustrious, and infamous Halle Eavelyn and Greg Roach. Halle upon first glance is the red haired lioness with a sense of humour and expressions to match. Greg is the sarcastic sidecar, diffuser and puveyor of dirty jokes.  They have arranged for y pick up at the airport and thank goodness because I have pulled the mother of all stupid pet tricks and left my passport somewhere on the plane after entering customs in Cairo. Talk about a smack to the forehead - while trying to talk to the security agent who are conveying my stupidity to the airline staff Im sure in a language so foreign, I feel like I'm wearing a pair of diapers and I still just peed my pants in front of them. Like a white knight, my driver meets me, and has my passport in hand and is so polite I cant even imagine that he is regaling this ridiculous story to the cab driver.
I am whisked around the ring highway past massive Mcmansion filled half built  houses in the 'burbs' and mall after high end mall, all unfinished, all collecting the  piles of dust that Egypt is known for. That and the CRAZY drivers. Next its onto downtown New and Old Cairo with thousands of tenement building once again half finished. Later on in the trip I ask why, and apparently its due to the lack of permits required as the revolution has fostered all this new growth, and the fact that no taxes are required on finished buildings. So in short, if you dont have a top floor and your building is unfinished, you don't pay taxes.
As we drive over the Nile - right down the middle of the city, I see thousands of people gathering all along at so many points...just sitting, and for what? Ugh...the city is so dirty and diesel hazed, but I come to find that the mess is mostly in part of the last night of Ramadan - the feast night. And apparently its a PARTY in Cairo. Everywhere!
Finally we arrive at my home for the next few days. The Mena House Oberoi. 5 Star, with a killer view of the Pyramids over breakfast, gilded ceilings, and opulence everywhere. It was a nice flow into Egypt. Nicer than it could have been to be sure! My room mate has yet to arrive (apparently had some issues with her Air Lufthansa flight out of Germany), so I settle in for a nap and a shower. I plan on sleeping until I am called and summoned by the powers that be. That happens a little faster than planned with a call from Halle asking me where I am and why haven't I shown up for dinner yet. Right. First plan, check check and double check the non existent itinerary. Part of the fun I will comment on later (and it is fun if you can trust in the flow)...At dinner, in our lovely private dining function room, I discover that we are to be up and dressed and (AWAKE?)ready on the bus for 4 AM. Ya, that's right 4AM. About 8 hours after we get to leave from dinner and already I have a tingly feeling in my tummy that scares the hell out of me that this is setting some sort of precedent for the rest of the trip...
Off to the Sphinx we go I'm told...

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