Erin Pimm Photography

Erin Pimm Photography
Glam the Dress

Monday 27 February 2012

In the beginning...

  ...There was this thing called a DSLR  camera. My first real camera. Actually OUR (my husbands and mine) first camera. Plunged into the firely hells of our old 1982 camper on the side of the road on our way to Oregon Country fair. Yes. 40+ ft flames on the side of the I5 with pregnant momma (me), husband and my brother with his 2 kids, 10 and 12 at the time. Needless to say we all escaped, with nothing more than our socks, one wallet and a great story to recollect from time to time.
Given that I was 6 month pregnant at the time, we had opted for a decent Craigslist buy of a Nikon D60. Decent enough with all manual so we could learn a little bit. We decided it might be time for an upgrade with some video, so opted for a great starter package of a D90 with 2 (didnt know the different) kit lenses. It was great. In fact, until I decided that photogrpahy is the end all and be all - it was perfect. But lo and behold the gear monkey kicked in this year and in order move onward and upward I decided the final plunge was into the Canon 5D Mark II. Yup Shes a beast. The 70-200 lens weights more than the body, and of course now there are all the upgrades into new L series lenses, filters, flash, straps, bags, readers, cards, batteries and on and on.

  I decided that if we had a reasonable camera, that it deserved a reasonable education, and in order to get out of the house with a wee one, I justified it by taking an intro DSLR course at PCNW in Seattle. I had a great experience that left me hungering for more and went back and did the full intro course. Voila. Within 2 classes I was ramped up and running. Fortunately the second course fell mostly summer time otherwise the rain would have beat the photography life right out of me...not much to see after 3 straight weeks of rain (although it down make it fun to go find abstracts in your house for assigments).

Lo and behold we are here in Melbourne after a job transfer. The weather is great most of the time, oodles new to shoot, being so close to town, fabulous art and architecture and an amazing country to explore as a first timer. I took the final leap this year into a PT 4 year course in Digital Photography at PSC and although its a major stress on my being, I am learning and stretching and growing and creating and things are really starting to flow. More people in my immediate community mean more contacts, more sujects, more ideas..and now for the final leap - into travel photography, writing and more importantly DSLR movies...Mmmmmm... I have started by doing some small pieces learning ADobe Premiere and am wanting to move futher up with some workshops, writing courses and doco additives.

Its an adventure to be sure. Nowhere to go but up. Will be putting my images out to as many sources as I can over the next few months, building contacts and making it happen as best I can. Mix a Jack-of-all-trades with a creative tonic and you get hellfiregirl and the unstoppable forces!


Sunday 26 February 2012

Travel Writing

It is here that I announce the grand intention of moving towards travel writing and photography. This blog was intended in its infancy to be a roaving inspirational blog as I started down my scholastic trail, but I see that it will be moving and changing, keeping up all the fun tales that m images will lead me to...SO I do say...
11.11.11 - St. Catherine's Monestary, Sinai, Egypt
First initiative will be to recover all the stories from the most recent sojourn to Egypt with Spirit Quest travel. Next will be some of the adventures Australia has led me into and down the line will be some fun back in the USA, BC, Canada and then finally to India next January for the Maha Kumba Mela...maybe you've heard some of the stories, maybe not, but I do promise there will be some funny, rib-crushing fun of you manage to stick it out with me...
and now....onto...THE FUN!!!